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Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) May 2009 Archives. Discussion Forum for Extreme Bondage Fantasy Video. DVDs or Web. One month of eight years worth of.
May 2. 00. 9 - Bondage Video Discussion Forum Archive. Wow! I've got a lot of catching up to do. First off: Poll question: I'm in total agreement with the opinions stated. The humor should be directed at the expense of the victim. I saw an unremarkable film or clip once where a guy is torturing a girl and then looks at the camera and says something like: "Oh, that's gotta hurt, doesn't it." Yeah putz. You just hurt any credibility in the scene. Rick: I'm also gonna get "Goon Squad," even if I can't get the trailer to work yet.

I'm intrigued by the donut thing on Amber's face. And if anyone reads about one of those devices on Bill Gates' head while being bashed by a Windows Vista Business laptop, well, that could be me. Yik. Yakker: Excellent review. You explained everything I wanted to know about "Blitzkrieg: Escape from Stalag 6.
William Girdler, Director: 'Sheba, Baby'. Born October 22, 1947 in Jefferson County, Kentucky, William Brent Girdler launched his filmmaking career with the 1972.
Also, don't bloody up your female victims before the torture even starts; begin with a fresh, unsullied victim with a still- pretty face. I think one problem that exploitation movie producers have these days is that they try too hard to cater to both GIMPers and gore- hounds.
It can be done effectively if, as you pointed out, they leave out the blood until it's necessary. Sardu: Thanks for providing that very thorough synopsis of "Martyrs." I agree that it is much grimmer than "Hostel 2" (but maybe not Hostel 1). It was just way too bloody for my tastes. Good movie though. Ralphus wrote a few days ago: I don't know about the others, but I would LOVE to read some reviews of the old HOM film loops.
That's possible, but then you put up the cover for "The Escape" as the daily pic. So let's start with that. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to buy this film now. Watch Secrets Of Deception Online Metacritic on this page. I bought a rather beat- up VHS version years ago from a local video store that closed down after Blockbuster moved in. I'm also not sure which actresses play which parts.)The Escape (California Star)Starring: Carolyn La Croix, Sarah Ann De Vaul, Cheryl Mc.
Kenna Produced by Barbara Behr Ah, the great outdoors. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and scantily clad women are screaming in pain. This is the setting for "The Escape," a blast from the past (I think 1. California Star. And while the editing is sometimes suspect and the movie contains constant annoying background music, this is one of my personal favorites, even though I'm not really into outdoor scenes. The actresses are attractive enough, but what really sells the movie are the convincing reactions to the tortures, particularly one truly unforgettable scene toward the end.
The movie begins with two women, blonde Jeannie and brunette Carlie, fleeing from the Wolfbend Prison wearing gray prison sweatsuits and running through the woods. Actually it's more like a brisk walk, like that moronic Olympic sport of "walking." They stumble across a wooden cabin and break in. Lo and behold, a hot brunette with big 1.
One arm and one leg are secured to the bed with leather straps while her other hand is free to masturbate under her white panties. The two fugitives quickly subdue her and learn that she knows of a shack deeper in the woods where they can hide out. Watch Shaun The Sheep Movie Online Hulu. The brunette is now rope gagged with packing, her wrists are tied to the bedframe above her head. So are her ankles, leaving her silky smooth legs completely spread and her panty- encased pussy propped up for the taking. Jeannie and Carlie strip and start rubbing their captive's pussy as she squeals and pleads with those sexy brown eyes. The totally naked fugitives, in their southern drawls, explain their plans.
Let's make her suck us off." "Sure baby. Go for it." They look and act like they could be escaped prisoners in a southern, trailer- trash sort of way. Their bodies are not as svelte as their victim's, nor are they as pretty, but they seemed to grow on me. I kept picturing them as groupies for Lynyrd Skynyrd. They start licking the southern belle's thighs and nipples. But she is starting to enjoy it. To end all that pleasure, Carlie grabs a belt and whips the victim's pussy.
Unfortunately, we can't really see the impact because that damn Carlie's in the way. In fact, it seems that Carlie is actually smacking her hand with the belt to create the sound effects. However, the reactions from the brunette are nicely done. After they remove the victim's gag, she nixes their carpet- munching idea, so she's regagged and lashed again so her "cunt will be on fire." Carlie ends up straddling the brunette's face while Jeannie masturbates and rubs her rather large and natural breasts. Suddenly, we're in the woods again, with Jeannie wearing a red one- piece dress and Carlie for some reason in rather unflattering bra and panties (or maybe it's just old- fashioned summer wear.) They lead their hostage with a crotchrope. She's still in the white camisole and rope gagged, with a belt cinched around her waist and arms. There's a nice closeup of the crotchrope being pulled and tugged through the sexy white panties.
The victim gets tied in a standing spreadeagle between two trees, with one tit exposed and still in high heels and crotchrope. Her husband, meanwhile, returns to the cabin and notices the discarded prison sweats. More bad news is in store for his wife. She's tied on her back to a log, arms spread over her head, as the dykes taunt her. Carlie then whips her convincingly with a branch as Jeannie holds her head.

- Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg (born June 5, 1971) is an American actor, producer, businessman, former model, and former rapper. Wahlberg was known as Marky Mark in his.
- The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a 1974 American horror film directed by Tobe Hooper and written and co-produced by Hooper and Kim Henkel. It stars Marilyn Burns, Paul.
Again, there's excellent struggling on the victim's part. As hubby gives chase, the girls reach the shack. And naturally, at every dilapidated shack, there's a whip and lots of rope lying around. The wife is tied AOH on the porch. In between the verbal abuse, she gets fondled and whipped on the backside. Hubby has caught up with them and witnesses the action. He does what any loving husband would do seeing his wife being tortured by two escaped convicts: He rubs his crotch, watches a bit more, and then analyzes the situation out loud.
Dumb broads. Making their own diversion. Gotta get closer." (He appears to go the wrong way.) After more whipping and fondling while hubby makes perhaps the slowest rescue attempt in history, the wife is now suspended by her arms and ankles so that once again, her muff (still in panties) is just sitting there waiting to be violated. Somehow, hubby has gotten Carlie topless, tied her arms behind her back an applied a tight OTM gag.
He prods her along by whipping her with a branch. Jeannie, now topless in her undies, repeatedly threatens to split the wife's snatch open with a log. And I mean repeatedly. Instead of actually doing the deed, she babbles on and on until hubby points a gun to her head. Jeannie gets suspended AOH with legs tied apart, topless and with a red OTM gag. Hubby whips her all over her body with branches as the leaves fly off. A fine scene indeed. Watch Stones In Exile Dailymotion.
We switch to Carlie, suspended upside down, white OTM gag, hands secured behind her back and wearing only black panties. Payback is a bitch, and so is the wife. Now topless (a nice natural pair), the wife whips Carlie on the pussy, ass and legs as her victim tries to utter threats. Hubby is having his own fun by scratching Jeannie with a cattle- weaning instrument, which looks like a belt with nails sticking out of it.
As the wife continues whipping Carlie, Jeannie gets rehabilitated by being tied AOH and lifted off the ground by a crotchrope attached to a pulley. After some of this delicious torment, the husband threatens to rape her, but he doesn't because the crotchrope has made her horny and she's supposed to suffer. Carlie gets tied spreadeagle on her back on some wooden boards. She's topless, in her black panties and OTM gag. Two ropes go over the gag and another over her neck to immobilize her head.
Wifey has collected some bugs, and starts to slowly sprinkle some of the smaller ones, including daddy- long legs, on her former tormentor. Carlie's reaction is, well, incredible. As the bugs crawl over her arms and tits, her entire body buckles and she screams through the gag, proof that the bonds (and the horrific screams) are genuine.