Watch Picking Up The Pieces Online Picking Up The Pieces Full Movie Online

Watch Picking Up The Pieces Online Picking Up The Pieces Full Movie Online

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A barber came up with a clever way to cut costs by laying the floor of his new shop with 70,000 1p pieces. Rich Holtham, owner of BS4 Barbers in Dudley, West Midlands.

The Jerk (1. 97. 9) - Quotes. Navin, struggling as a weight guesser at SJM Fiesta Shows]. Navin R. Johnson. For one dollar, I'll guess your weight, your height or your sex! The most exciting game on the midway! Imagine the thrill of getting your weight guessed by a professional!

Watch Picking Up The Pieces Online Picking Up The Pieces Full Movie Online

You can blow up your cheeks, you can stick out your chest, but you're not going to fool the guesser. How 'bout you, sir? Step right up! Carnival Rube. Hey honey, let's see how good this guy is. Now what'I win? Navin R. Johnson. Ah, anything..

Anything, below the stereo, and on this side of the Bicentennial glasses.. Watch Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines Online Facebook. Anything between the ashtray, and the thimbles.. Anything in this three inches.. Right in here, this area, that includes the Chiclets, but not the erasers. Carnival Rube. No sir! C'mon honey; he thought he had himself a rube.

Navin dejectedly confides to his boss, Frosty]. Navin R. Johnson. Boss, I'm just no good at this. Frosty. Ah, c'mon Navin, you're doing fine.

Navin R. Johnson. I've already given away eight pencils, two hula dolls, and an ashtray, and I've only taken in fifteen dollars. Frosty. Navin, you have taken in fifteen dollars and given away fifty cents worth of crap!

Which gives us a net profit of fourteen dollars and fifty cents. Navin R. Johnson. Ah.. It's a profit deal! Takes the pressure off. Get your weight guessed right here! Only a buck! Actual live weight guessing!

Take a chance and win some crap!