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Global Elites Caught Plotting The Islamic Invasion Of Europe – Return Of Kings. Our global elites are generally very good at hiding their plans for the unwashed masses—those of us who are not blessed with immense wealth and power. They are good, but sometimes even these demigods slip up and the truth about their plans comes out. We just had that happen on September 2.

Our global elites are generally very good at hiding their plans for the unwashed masses—those of us who are not blessed with immense wealth and power. Eugene Kaspersky, CEO of Kaspersky Lab, participates in a panel discussion during day 3 of the 48th Munich Security Conference at Hotel Bayerischer Hof on February 5. Ten Canoes Full Movie there.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg were caught having a side conversation on a hot mic at a United Nations luncheon. Merkel was complaining to Zuckerberg about posts by Facebook users who were critical to the hordes of Muslim migrants who are flooding Germany and other European countries. Zuckerberg responded that: “[W]e need to do some work” on curtailing anti- immigrant posts about the refugee crisis. Are you working on this?” Merkel asked in English, to which Zuckerberg replied in the affirmative before the transmission was disrupted. What pretense will Facebook use to ban Germans from legitimately discussing the policy concerns of their country, which purports to be a democracy?

Racism, of course: We are committed to working closely with the German government on this important issue,” Debbie Frost, a spokeswoman for Menlo Park, California- based Facebook, said via e- mail. We think the best solutions to dealing with people who make racist and xenophobic comments can be found when service providers, government and civil society all work together to address this common challenge. But can a true democracy exist when the public, who are supposed to be ultimate authority for the government, are not permitted to frankly debate policies? George Soros demands Europe take in one million Muslims annually. Migrants disembark from a ship in Italy. It is sold as a Syrian crisis, but it seems like an open invitation for any Muslims who wish to invade.

And where are their women? Sometimes our global elites are very clear about their plans, but we are conditioned to think that conspiracy theories are just for kooks—so we ignore these clear statements. A recent example of this is an opinion piece written by billionaire George Soros. In it, Soros states the EU must accept “at least” one million Muslims annually, and it must provide each “asylum seeker” $1. Furthermore, Soros argues that the EU must step up funding to Islamic countries, even though many of those countries are not taking any “refugees” in response to the Syrian crisis. Soros goes on to criticize Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, whose tough stance on rejecting immigration, Soros says: [S]ubordinates the human rights of asylum- seekers and migrants to the security of borders, threatens to divide and destroy the EU by renouncing the values on which it was built and violating the laws that are supposed to govern it.

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Fighting Homogeneity. Budapest Train Station – Why did they leave their women behind in the war zone? The plan to flood Europe with Muslims is not new. Back in 2. 01. 2, Irish businessman and Bilderberg Group attendee Peter Sutherland told the House of Lords that the leadership of the European Union needs to “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states.

Why is it necessary to undermine the homogeneity of European nations? Sutherland would claim that diversity somehow makes organizations and countries stronger. To prove this, advocates of diversity usually display polls of “diversity officers” from different companies who, not surprisingly, say that diversity does make organizations more effective. But there is no actual proof that diversity, which in this context means introducing Muslims from the Middle East and Africa into the white nations of Europe, makes organizations more efficient. If it did, you would hear nations like China, Israel, Japan, and South Korea lining up to get their share of Islamic migrants.

But those nations seem to be perfectly happy keeping their nations homogeneous. The idea of resettling millions of Muslim migrants is deeply unpopular with the populations of the EU countries, but this is not going to stop the bureaucrats in Brussels from proceeding with their plans. Dimitris Avramopoulos, the EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs, recently said that the EU’s leaders “do not care about the political cost” because they are not elected. Pope Francis’ positions undermine Christianity in Europe. Camp of the Saints. The Catholic Church has historically been a bulwark in preserving the Christian culture of Europe. It was the Catholic faith that inspired the Crusades, the Reconquista, and the Battles of Lepanto and Vienna. Watch Funny Face Online Facebook.

Even as modern Europeans have abandoned their faith in Christ in exchange for a comfortable socialism, the Catholic Church has not stopped trying to rouse them from their slumber. But Pope Francis’ position on the migrant crisis threatens to further weaken Europe’s already wobbly spiritual foundation rather than strengthen it. Francis issued a broad appeal to every parish and monastery to take in at least one “refugee” family. Francis’ reason for doing this is ostensibly obedience to the Gospel: Facing the tragedy of tens of thousands of refugees—fleeing death by war and famine, and journeying towards the hope of life—the Gospel calls, asking of us to be close to the smallest and forsaken. To give them a concrete hope.

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The idea that we should not oppress the alien among us is certainly part of the teaching of the Christian faith. The Bible states: “You shall not oppress a resident alien; you know the heart of an alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.” But this doesn’t mean that Christians are obligated to accept what amounts to an invasion by Muslim migrants. The actual Catholic teaching on immigration, provided by Thomas Aquinas, is much more complex than Pope Francis’ public statements would lead us to believe.

Like the Jews in the Old Testament, Christians are to recognize that people from certain nations are more likely to be a good fit as immigrants. However, immigrants from nations who have proven to enemies of Christians should not be allowed to immigrate, but to be “held as foes in perpetuity.” (cf. Summa Theologica I- II, Q.

Oct: D Oliver, M Kay, M Boag, P Bennett, Trudy, R Polanski, Obesity, Nu Zealand, Titillations, J Harvey, C Douglas, P Bennett, Storm.

Art. 3). Why do the global elites want an Islamic invasion of Europe? Peaceful Migrants. I suspect that the biggest reason that the global elites want to flood Europe with Islamic immigrants is that they place no value on culture—they view human beings purely as economic units. If Europeans are not reproducing at the rate necessary to sustain the current welfare state, then importing young, vibrant Muslim men who do want to reproduce will solve the problem. Other people, like Pope Francis, are likely driven by Christian teachings of helping one’s neighbor. However, these people are naively ignoring other considerations such as the continued safety and existence of European peoples.

Finally, other elites may view the destruction of European culture as a punishment for Europe’s past “sins” such as its cultural hegemony. These individuals are fueled by irrational self- hatred. Conclusion. King Jan Sobieski blessing the Polish attack on Turks in Vienna.

During the Battle of Vienna, the grand vizier of the invading Ottoman Turks sent an emissary to deliver a summons of surrender to the city. The summons read: Accept Islam and live in peace under the Sultan! Or deliver up the fortress and live in peace under the Sultan as Christians; and if any man prefer, let him depart peaceably, taking his goods with him. But if you resist the Will of Allah, then death or spoliation or slavery shall be the fate of you all!

Fight and you die! Surrender and you live! The military governor of Vienna, Count Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg, told the crowd of people gathered near the town’s Cathedral: The infidels promise us that if we surrender, all Christians will be allowed to remain Christian. But, ask the Greeks what that promise means. Ask the Serbs. Ask the Albanians. How do the people of Vienna reply to that invitation?

Don Murray Astrology DON MURRAY Champion astrologer & tipster Astrology in Auckland, New Zealand Best Astrologer in Auckland. Dec: Michael  Schumacher,  Susan Boyle, Nigella Lawson, Rob Ford, Susan Wood, Tony Blair Nov: 2. Prophesies, Judith Collins,  Jim Cassidy,  Sarah Moody.

Oct: John Banks, Australia, Len Brown, Scott Dixon,  Sachin Tendulkar, Team NZ. Sept: America's Cup,  USA,  Australian election. A selection of the most popular from  www. Aug:  Catherine Zeta- Jones, Ewen Mc. Kenzie, NZ Warriors, Michael Clarke July: Official cash rate, Nigella Lawson, Owen Glenn June: Silvio Berlusconi, Rupert Murdoch marriage May: William Roache April: Crusher Collins Jan: Ruben Wiki or Holmo ?  N Sarkozy. Dec: The comicals Nov:  Holmo bashing, Paul Henry, Queen Elizabeth/Damien Oliver Oct: Matthew Elliott Sept: Jay Jay Feeney and barren mares Aug: The immaculate conception July:  Scott Guy murder, long- range Melbourne Cup day June: Andy Haden and Murray Deaker  April:  Aries Dragons Jan:  Kim Dotcom.

Dec: Amazing psychic Nov: Sonny Bill and Kim Kardashian ? Oct: Dan Carter Sept: Zara Phillips July: Rupert Murdoch marriage. Dec: John Wright Nov: Aung San Suu Kyi. Dec:  NZ Warriors Mar:  Bain murders 2. Sept:  Psychic Sister Rose, A R A Fieldes Jan: Pluto revolution 2. Oct:   All Blacks May:  Springboks **********************MELBOURNE CUP AWESOMESNovember 7.

I've only ever been to one Melbourne Cup and have had absolutely no desire to return. Not because of a bad experience.

Because of a brilliant day that would be very hard to beat. Kiwi influences on the great race were  strong. After I'd quit my menial job in Brisbane to hitch down, scoring work in a Mordialloc racing stable through a Kiwi mate from  recent NZ racing journalism days. An awesome day of partying with heaps of Kiwi acquaintances at Flemington on the first Tuesday in November 1. Gold and Black, the Cup winner at $5. When the 2. 4 starters in the Cup itself included 1.

NZ- bred  horses and 8 NZ- bred jockeys, 3 of whom were  based in Melbourne. NZ. With the 1. 96. Kiwi- trained winners of the great race, but no success since 2.

Today there is not one single NZ- based trainer or jockey involved. Only 2 in the field were bred in NZ. Some “ Kiwi pride ” though, with 3 former NZ jockeys involved and former Foxton youth Chris Waller having a runner in the Cup today. Melbourne Cup day has been very lucrative for Astrological race fans, including a  $5.

J Bart Cummings in the supporting race after the 1. Cup. On January 1. NZ jumps jockey Nathan Hanley was publicly labelled for the Cup Day Hurdles in November. Next month he shifted to Melbourne, ultimately landing the ride on $1.

Lesvos Ruler on Cup day. Unfortunately 2nd was Hanley’s lot, but a $3. We haven’t had a Melbourne Cup day investment since 2. Cambridge trainer Shaune Ritchie’s Atacama at $6 on the Flemington track.

Ritchie’s wife had been forewarned of this buzz some 5. All racing has been good to us, with every $1 invested on the freaky Astrological method since the year 2. A new investment method was introduced 7 years ago, with every $1 since then returning $1. Today we’re having a crack at a world record……. CREATING A CHRIS WALLERNovember 5.

Astrology proves that lucky bastards are born. Watch Don`T Knock Twice Online. Unlucky ones, too, but few more fortunate than champion horse trainer Chris Waller having TWO GRAND TRINES in his natal chart. One Grand Trine is very rare, but two ? The Grand Trine occurs when 3 planets from separate signs are in harmony. Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. This harmony brings ease of opportunity and being in the right places at the right times. In C Waller's case, Aquarius, Libra and Gemini, the Air signs, with the closeness of the numbers providing greater impact.

There's the wonderful control of the love planet Venus at Aquarius 2, in perfect harmony with energetic Mars ( Gemini 2 ) and powerful Pluto ( Libra 6 ). For the lover, very good for marriage, children and dealing with animals. C. Waller and his sweetheart from schooldays are still together with 2 children.)Then consider communicator Mercury and fortunate Jupiter, locked together at Aquarius 2. Great for optimism and decision- making, notably strengthened by brilliant Uranus ( Libra 2.

Saturn ( Gemini 2. Strength in the natal chart brings the self- control to ward off the temptations of, so vital in racing, the punt, the piss, pussy and P.

Waller hit a pinnacle last month with Winx winning the W. S Cox Plate at Moonee Valley for the third consecutive time. The same C Waller who was " a dreamer " to many when he arrived in Sydney with 2 horses back in 1.

Nowadays he’s the King of Sydney, with 3. Tuesday. Many dreamers fail in an industry often described as the " boulevard of broken dreams."Less chance if you were born to get all the breaks from possessing a pair of awesome Grand Trines.. MY FAVOURITE MATCHNovember 3. Tomorrow's Tonga- Samoa Rugby League clash in Hamilton takes me back 2. Saturday October 3.

The day of the Pacific Cup rugby league Grand Final at Carlaw Park, Auckland:  Western Samoa v Tonga. Of special interest to me, with one of my earns being a fresh shellfish delivery business in the very colourful Otara region, where every family seemed to have a relly playing in the Pacific Cup. The majority of my customers were Samoans and I had 2 mates playing for Western Samoa, whom I would naturally be supporting. Saturday begins with a trip to  Otara  to collect monies from a few customers. And a brilliant omen in running into Samoan Joe Kaiser when I dropped into the Otara fleamarket. Joe was a contemporary and mate from Mt Albert Grammar I hadn’t seen for 2. The school’s chief larrikin then, now assisting his brother Steve, the coach of Western Samoa ! Next stop is to collect some coin from a Tongan, Mr M.

Who many months earlier had been shocked out of his brain when opening the door to a palagi greeting him with “ Malo’e lei lei, Sianna masalo, paaka, tukumisi.” Very happy to have a white fella delivering fresh mussels, crabs or kina to his doorstep. Today, 2 youths in his backyard who’d been up all night supervising the spit roasting of several pigs. Only natural to suggest to Mr M that “ it’ll be good to have a big feast after your team gets beaten today.” The earth rumbled as Mr M flew into a mock rage.

Peace was restored when we agreed to a wager- -- -- a spit- roasted pig on the result. A memorable occasion, with large chunks of Tongan Red and Samoan Blue in the grandstand. Worried I was, though, as Western Samoa trailed until the last minutes of the game and drew level with a converted try.

Into extra time, a set amount unlike  “ golden point ” and still looking bad after Tonga kicked a penalty goal. A minute from defeat, Western Samoa pinned on their own line. Paddy Tuimavave broke and passed to Logan Campbell, an appropriately- named  centre. Only the Tongan fullback to beat,  Franklin Fonua, whose uncle John Fonua had been a renowned streetfighter and Mt Albert Grammar contemporary as well. Logan Campbell centre chips over Fonua and regathers. In pass to Paddy's bro' Paki Tuimavave and 4. Polynesian cultures accept what happens.

They don't grizzle and moan and blame the ref or the bloke that missed a vital tackle or goal kick. They move on, for the camaraderie is more important. And the giant feast afterwards.

I waived my winning pig and in lieu accepted a large plate  at Mr M's feast that evening.... HESSON'S " OCT TURMOIL "November 1. It's easy for an Astrologer to become a waka jumper. To run with the hares then hunt with the hounds, or change your allegiance like Jason Taumalolo. Consider the Black Caps.

There was that phenomenal prophesy on TV3, January 1, 2. Mike Hesson for major improvement on his predecessor, John Wright, whose demise had been confidently forecast 2 years previously.

Notable was a “ Uranus- Node buzz ” to be assisting Hesson as far ahead as February 2. Black Caps would absolutely whitewash India. A different story in the November 2. Prophesies on www.