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November 2. 00. 9 - Bondage Video Discussion Forum Archive. RALPHUS' REVIEW: "AGENT X" Hey, here's something no one has read yet.. Red Feline's Agent X. Yeah, I know I'm late to the party and this film has been reviewed here a few times already, but I promised Jane so here's my take. Kind of a mixed bag for me. There's a lot to like, and other stuff that needs to be improved next time.
Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) November 2009 Archives. Discussion Forum for Extreme Bondage Fantasy Video. DVDs or Web. One month of eight years worth. The story of Ed Gein, who dug up the corpses of over a dozen women and made things out of their remains before finally shooting two people to death and butchering. Watch The Sure Thing Hindi Full Movie.
John Burke, Actor: The Amazing Spider-Man. John Burke was born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He is an actor, known for The Amazing Spider-Man (2012), Sicario (2015) and R. Tenku notshirotwapyuta Big Miracle 2012 DVDRip READNFO x264-SiC Love and Other Drugs.2010 [Eng] DivX [On Style]??!??????17 E07.111204 CATV H264.480p-SHINs Bob. Ver El exorcismo de Emily Rose Online HD / The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005) - Película Completa en Castellano, Gratis y Subtitulada.

To begin with, the initial takedown of Jane is ridiculously brief.. She's walking through a dark hallway, JJ grabs her by the neck and down she goes. If it were really that easy to knock out girls, I'd be doing it all the time (well, more than I do now, anyway).

Anyway, an unconscious Jane (BTW, get used to that phrase "unconscious Jane" because it will be prevalent in this review) gets her hands cuffed behind her and dragged into another room, where she is seated in a straight- backed wooden chair and tied there by JJ. As was pointed out by everyone else who's reviewed this movie, the bondage is rather weak. He takes a single strand of rope and winds it once around her waist and the chair, and continues down by securing her ankles with the same rope. As an aficionado of chair ties, the lack of effective bondage here is disappointing.
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Jane is awoken with a few soft taps to her face (you'll read that phrase a bit more times, too) and uses a scissors to cut away Jane's top, exposing her breasts. Thankfully, at this point he does add a bit more rope and winds that a few times around her waist and her chest, making the bondage merely adequate, although not nearly as tight as it should have been.
JJ interrogates her for information with several slaps to the face. Unfortunately, Jane's character (she's an undercover agent) is trained to withstand abuse, so she's feisty and stubbornly refuses to act scared or give in here, which makes the scene less effective dramatically. After leaving her to struggle in her ropes for a few minutes, JJ returns to see if she's changed her mind. Nope, she hasn't, so instead of slapping her, he punches her twice with his fist, knocking her out cold. Unconscious Jane is then untied from the chair and laid on her back on top of a wooden table, her hands still cuffed behind her. Her knees are bent over the edge of the table and her ankles are secured to the table legs. Again using the same long strand of rope, he wraps it around the other end of the table and then loops it a few times around Jane's neck and before tying it off.
All it takes are a few soft taps to her face to awaken her. Jane looks over her situation but she's still stoic, unafraid. JJ uses a scissors to slice off her panties and stuffs them in her mouth to gag her, taking the same rope that's looped around her neck and putting it across her mouth to hold the gag in place, not nearly as effective as using a new rope and wrapping that around her head.
JJ then takes bare electrical wire and tapes the ends to her temples (nice touch) and also to her nipples and her pussy. And how does Jane react? She tells JJ "fuck you" through her gag, more unwanted feistiness when she should be panicky and crying. And so.. it's Shocky Time! What follows is a better than average electrical torture scene. Although no screaming here, it's quite effective, with Jane's body stiffening with every jolt. When he's done with her, JJ removes the wires and gag and takes full advantage of her by raping Jane's pussy.
According to Jane, the rape was supposed to be simulated but he couldn't help himself and did it to her for real. Watch Impact Point HIGH Quality Definitons. Well, can you blame him? She looks incredibly hot in that position. And as he thrusts himself into her, the rope around Jane's neck tightens up, so she's being choked while she's being raped.
This time, Jane reacts a bit more noisily until she finally passes out. Then it's more Unconscious Jane as she is untied, stripped completely and re- tied in a standing position with her arms over her head.
For once, her wake up call is more than just a few soft taps to the face. JJ gets her attention by giving her several blows with his whip, and continues whipping her for several minutes until there are bloody slash marks up and down the back of her body. Jane ties to kick back at her attacker but it's all in vain. He keeps whipping her until well past the time that she's..
This enables JJ to bind Unconscious Jane upside down to a wooden ladder, with her knees bent over the upper rung and her hands tied behind her, sort of a loose hogtie. It's a pretty inventive position, one I haven't seen before. JJ wakes her up by softly tapping her face (he must have a real magic touch). And the torture this time is also pretty unique. He takes a bucket filled with water and raises it up to Jane's head so that she experiences a drowning torture while tied in this helpless position. After the bucket is removed, Jane pleads, coughs and begs him to stop while gasping for air.
She is clearly not acting here and that's why the scene is so effective. He uses the bucket on her several times, and on the last one she is kept under water for quite a while, until it is mercifully removed and she hangs silently, still breathing but unconscious. Quick, JJ, softly tap her face so she can move again! Several excruciatingly slow minutes later, JJ has finally tied Jane into a new position (pretty convenient that she's unconscious every time so that he can bind her with no distractions, isn't it?). This one is worth waiting for. Jane is now standing on her tiptoes, leaning against a post with her arms tied far apart to a bar over her head, leaving her stretched out and vulnerable.
Then he worsens her predicament by tying her ankles apart with a spreader bar. There are several instances where Jane is hanging suspended as JJ cuts into her with his whip, and this scene is a lot more fun since we get to see Jane's pretty face as she reacts in anguish to every blow.
Once she's unconscious again, Jane hangs limply in her bonds, her front side now stained with lots and lots of bloody marks, which seems only fair since her backside got marked up earlier. JJ drags her limp body over to the wall for one more torture, and this one will be the worst of all for her. He chains her with her arms tied to the wall over her head and.. Works every time. JJ gets right in front of Jane and holds up 4 sinister- looking spikes and a hammering tool to her face. Guess what?" JJ tells her.
I don't need a confession any more. This is not to make you talk.
This is just for me". Jane starts crying, but he is undeterred. He takes her left leg and proceeds to hammer one of the spikes through her ankle and into a wooden peg that is bolted next to the wall. Jane wails in agony as he continues on, impaling the other ankle to the other side. He doesn't stop until both of Jane's wrists are then spread apart and hammered into the wall, impaling her to the wall so that her body now resembles the letter X. JJ later tortures both her breasts with by stabbing them with another spike, as if she wasn't already in enough pain.
He pulls up a chair, takes a swig of beer and watches Jane slowly suffer. It takes a long time, but she eventually slumps her head and expires, now just a pretty victim of crucifixion. And no amount of soft tapping to her face is going to bring her back this time.
My reaction to this film is easy to gauge. When Jane is awake, there's lots of good suffering. But when she's knocked out.. Way too much Unconscious Jane. I've never been a fan of the sleepy girl fetish. You might as well be tying up a mannequin if she's not going to react.
I also didn't like the initial feistiness of Jane's character early on (He's getting ready to shock you and you tell him "fuck you"? Watch The Dirty Dozen Online Freeform. Wrong move). But it didn't take long for Jane to get into full victim mode, and once she got going, I liked the later scenes the best, when she was actually screaming and showing real emotion.
And surprisingly, even though I don't like gore, the final scene where she's nailed to the wall turned me on the most.
El exorcismo de Emily Rose (2. Online - Película Completa Español. US ) · Inglés · Drama, Terror, Policial · AM- 1.
HD. SINOPSIS / HISTORIA - ¿Dónde puedo ver esta película y de qué trata? Puedes ver El exorcismo de Emily Rose, película completa en nuestra guía cinematográfica - Emily deja su hogar rural para ir a la universidad. Una noche sufre una alucinación aterradora y pierde el conocimiento.
Los 'ataques' se suceden con mayor intensidad y Emily, católica devota, decide someterse a un exorcismo dirigido por su párroco, el padre Moore. La joven muere durante el proceso y el cura es acusado de homicidio.
Es defendido por una sobresaliente abogada, que a medida que el juicio avanza, irá perdiendo su cinismo debido a los inexplicables hechos que rodean al caso. Es posible ver la película El exorcismo de Emily Rose gratis por televisión por cable o con servicios de alquiler Vo. D con audio original en inglés, subtitulada y doblada al español latino o castellano (Estados Unidos, México, España y Latinoamérica). La disponibilidad de idiomas y subtítulos varía según el servicio utilizado. Esta película se estrenó oficialmente en cines el 1.
Noviembre del año 2. La edición en DVD full y Blu- Ray HD/3. D de la película completa en buena calidad visual más trailer oficial, comentarios del director, escenas eliminadas y extras generalmente se comercializa luego de su estreno oficial en festivales o salas cinematográficas de Estados Unidos y otras partes del mundo. Título alternativo: O Exorcismo de Emily Rose (Brasil), O Exorcismo de Emily Rose (Brasil). ACTORES / REPARTO de El exorcismo de Emily Rose (2.
OPINIÓN DE LA CRÍTICA DE CINE online. Muy buena, lograron contar una buena historia y mantener al espectador en su butaca. DIRECCIÓNCLASIFICACIÓN DE PÚBLICOPelícula dirigida por Scott Derrickson.+1.
Película clasificada apta para mayores de 1. GÉNEROFECHA DE ESTRENODURACIÓN SIN CORTESDrama, Terror, Policial. HBO0. 1: 5. 9: 0. HD subtitulada en español. FILMACIÓNPRODUCCIÓNFilmada en video mega HD (Full HD 1.
Cine / DVD 7. 20p). Estados Unidos. Tipo de película Largometraje. Estreno en DVD N/DEstreno en Blu. Ray N/DEsta película ha sido distribuída internacionalmente bajo múltiples títulos. GUIÓN original de la película.
Guión escrito por Scott Derrickson y Paul Harris Boardman. PRODUCTORES del film. Producida por Tom Rosenberg, Julie Yorn, Paul Harris Boardman, Tripp Vinson, David Rubin, David Mc. Ilvain, Terry Mc. Kay, Beau Flynn, Gary Lucchesi y Andre Lamal. MÚSICA ORIGINAL Y BANDA SONORA Soundtrack. Compuesta por Christopher Young.
CINEMATOGRAFÍA / FOTOGRAFÍAA cargo de Tom Stern. ESTUDIOS Y PRODUCCIONES ASOCIADASEste film de Scott Derrickson tuvo un costo estimado de realización de US$ 2.
Screen Gems, Firm Films y Lakeshore Entertainment. DISTRIBUIDORAS DE ESTA PELÍCULA en idioma original en Argentina, México y Estados Unidos.
Distribuyeron comercialmente esta pieza cinematográfica empresas como RTL Entertainment, Columbia Tri. Star Films de Argentina, Nordisk Film, TV5, Falcon, LK- TEL, Universal Pictures Nordic, Sony Pictures Filmverleih, Nelonen, Sony Pictures Releasing, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Nordic, Screen Gems, Buena Vista International y Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. Como es costumbre, esta película se filmó en video HD 1. Alta Definición) Widescreen para proyección cinematográfica y en formato Blu Ray con audio Dolby Digital.
Las películas estreno para televisión se distribuyen en formato 4: 3 7. TV). Sin cortes comerciales, la película El exorcismo de Emily Rose completa, que tuvo un costo aproximado de producción de US$ 2. Internet o para descargar desde su web oficial. Puedes ver este film completo en español o inglés en la programación diaria de los canales cinematográficos, alquilando la película en castellano en DVD o con servicios Vo.
D (You. Tube, Video On Demand) y PPV (Pay Per View, Netflix Películas). El exorcismo de Emily Rose (2. En esta guía de películas encontrarás la información más importante sobre los largometrajes que se están emitiendo en TV HD, más los estrenos en cines argentinos, películas en cines estadounidenses y cines mexicanos. Diariamente añadimos las mejores películas en castellano para que decidas lo que quieres comprar o alquilar en DVD, descargar y ver en tu TV con Internet o bajar a tu tablet. PRECUELAS, SECUELAS, REMAKES O PELÍCULAS RELACIONADASFicha técnica en IMDb con información adicional.