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Free & Cheap Events & Things to Do in the San Francisco Bay Area. Lala Hathaway Jazz Mini Concert Amoeba SFMonday, November 6 – 6: 0. Cost: FREE Amoeba Music (SF)The amazing Lalah Hathaway celebrates her new album, Honestly (Hathaway Entertainment), with a live performance and signing at Amoeba SF on November 6th at 6 pm. Watch Dirty Dancing Online. Buy the album at Amoeba SF starting November 3rd to get into the signing line. Honestly is a fitting title …Free Admission Day: Museum of Craft and Design Dogpatch.

Read the latest news and updates on your favorite movies, tv shows & stars. Moviefone is your source for entertainment, movie, DVD, online streaming & TV news. Watch Are We Done Yet? Online Forbes more. We Show You The Ways To Download DVD Movies For Free. DVD Full Movies Download. Watch American Ghost Hunter online. Get Unlimited Access to Hulu’s Library; Choose Limited or No Commercials. Row House Cinema is a single screen theater in the historic Lawrenceville neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Each week we choose a new movie theme. Our concession stand.

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Gabrielle Walsh, Actress: Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones. Gabrielle Walsh was born on May 10, 1989 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. She is an actress, known for. Just when you figured there is no different way to put a spin on an idea, television producers, creators and writers find a way to come up with something t. Headlines from the network and other sources, as well as downloads of trailers and clips.

Tuesday, November 7 – 1. Cost: FREE Museum of Craft and Design.

Enjoy free admission to the Museum of Craft and Design on the first Tuesday of every month. After six years in Union Square and two years of pop- ups, the Museum of Craft & Design opened up their permanent location in the historic American Industrial Center in San Francisco’s ..“Astronomy on Tap”: Space Talks & Beer DNA Lounge.

Tuesday, November 7 – 7: 3. Cost: FREE DNA Lounge. Exiting post found – http: //sf. Is San Francisco ready for another night of space spectacularness? It’s science season again in the Bay Area, and Astronomy on Tap: San Francisco is here to celebrate. They’re bringing the Bay Area Science Festival their best event yet.

Watch Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension online. Get Unlimited Access to Hulu’s Library; Choose Limited or No Commercials.

Come to DNA Lounge …Harvey’s Halo: The Castro’s New Rainbow Lights Harvey Milk Plaza. Wednesday, November 8 – 6: 0. Cost: FREE Harvey Milk Plaza. Join the Castro community to honor Harvey Milk and celebrate the 4. S. F. Board of Supervisors.

At 6 pm on November 8, 2. San Franciscans will gather at Castro & Market St.

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Harvey Milk’s vision of equality …Media Literacy Week: The AJ+ Approach to the News SF Main Library. Wednesday, November 8 – 6: 0. Cost: FREE San Francisco Main Public Library. Since 2. 01. 4, online news source AJ+ has been informing viewers on global topics. Three team members will discuss how this project fits into today’s media landscape. The program will include a short screening of AJ+ material and time for questions from the audience.

You’ll be hearing …Shaping SF Lecture: Seth Eisen “Out of Site” Mission Dist. Wednesday, November 8 – 7: 3. Cost: FREE Eric Quezada Center. Seth Eisen/Eye Zen Presents and collaborators bring to life research and performance excerpts from their newest project, (a collaboration with Shaping SF)—a series of queer history performance- driven walking tours through the streets of San Francisco. This performative talk explores the ways that queer people have historically …Thursday, November 9. Dreamforce 2. 01. Keynote: Compassion in Action w/ Larry Brilliant Final Day.

Join Larry Brilliant, Epidemiologist and Philanthropist, and Adam Grant, Professor, The Wharton School of Business and New York Times Best Selling Author, in a timely conversation on resilience, personal empowerment, and activism in today’s world. Their discussion will focus on Compassion at the Personal Level: Suffering, …Win: Free Ice Skating in Union Square 2. SFThursday, November 9 – All Day . Cost: WINA San Francisco holiday tradition, The Safeway Holiday Ice Rink in Union Square presented by Alaska Airlines, is celebrating ten years of outdoor ice skating from November 1st to January 1. You’ll win a pair of tickets and skate rentals that are good for any …Final Day: 2.

Día de los Muertos Exhibit: 2. Altars & 5. 0+ Artists SOMArts. Thursday, November 9 – All Day . Cost: FREE SOMArts Cultural Center. Now in its 1. 8th year, the annual Day of the Dead exhibition at SOMArts Cultural Center, October 6–November 9, 2.

Mexican altars with contemporary art installations to present a visually stimulating array of perspectives remembering, honoring, and celebrating the dead. Down Terrace Full Movie Online Free here. Inspired by cherished ..

Nahko Indie Mini Concert Amoeba SFThursday, November 9 – 6: 3. Cost: FREE Amoeba Music (SF)Singer- songwriter Nahko returns to Amoeba SF for a live set and signing of his debut solo album, My Name Is Bear (out now on Side. One. Dummy Records). Get the album at Amoeba SF to get it signed.

My Name Is Bear artfully merges rustic acoustic guitars, upbeat ….