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We Regret To Inform You That The Mooch Cancelled The Event To Spend More Time With His Family Which Is Probably For The Best If You Heard About The Fact That He Missed His Kid's Birth To Spend Time With Trump]Anthony “the Mooch” Scaramucci may have lasted just 1. White House before getting booted, but America hasn’t gotten rid of him. The widely ridiculed Trump regime official says he plans to host an online event on Friday. Because Scaramucci clearly isn’t ready to give up the limelight just yet. As CNN reports, Scaramucci is getting some help with his broadcast from Fox News co- president Bill Shine, but it’s not yet clear how you’ll be able to watch the event. All we know so far is that it will air sometime during the day to “address the American people directly.”Scaramucci was fired by new White House Chief of Staff John Kelly after the Mooch gave a crass interview to the New Yorker where he said things like, “I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock.” President Trump reportedly loved the interview, but it didn’t sit well with some conservatives who presumably find autofellatio to be against God’s will. Alt- right vlogger Mike Cernovich obtained a copy of an internal memo that laid out Scaramucci’s grand plan for the White House communications team and posted it on Medium.
Offers news, comment and features about the British arts scene with sections on books, films, music, theatre, art and architecture. Requires free registration. Internet users have few options when it comes to online privacy. Tor is one of them, but researchers at Princeton say there are problems. Find out what they are, and. Watch The Dukes of Hazzard Full Episodes Online. Instantly find any The Dukes of Hazzard full episode available from all 8 seasons with videos, reviews, news and more!
And it might give a hint for what Scaramucci has in store for us. Watch Fame Online Fame Full Movie Online. The memo describes, among other things, ways to turn the White House into a content- generating machine using platforms like Facebook Live. Scaramucci even specifically said that the White House should be producing “The President Donald J. Trump” show. With all the constant coverage of this disastrous presidency on cable news, you’d be forgiven for thinking that we already have The Donald J.
Trump Show. From the memo: d) People are fascinated by the lives of their Presidents and the operation of the White House. POTUS is the greatest TV star in history. Comms should produce video content that constructively operates as “The President Donald J. Trump” show. Obama scratched the surface of this. POTUS should take it to the next levele) Rather than traditional press conferences, POTUS should take questions from real citizens via Facebook live and/or other social media platforms. Comms should consider a range of ideas including a modernized fireside chats where POTUS sits with a Cabinet member (and/or senior government official) to discuss the relevant issues. Perhaps, Sarah or Kellyanne could act as a moderator.

These videos should have running times of between 1. Scaramucci may not have the opportunity to spread Trump’s message of hate and bigotry anymore—though judging by the president’s press conference yesterday, he’s doing just fine on his own. But thanks to technology, Americans will get at least one more taste of the Mooch on Friday, presumably using some of the ideas he wasn’t able to implement during his short tenure. The only question will be whether anyone bothers to tune in.[CNN and Medium]Correction: This post originally misspelled the word “autofellatio.” I regret the error and send my most sincere apologies to the very talented Mr. Bannon. Update, 1: 3.
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Well, that was quick. Scaramucci just tweeted that his event tomorrow is cancelled.
How to make Tor less vulnerable to RAPTOR attacks This past March was a tough month for privacy pundits. Congress rescinded what experts consider to be significant online privacy regulations. According to this Tech. Republic column by Hope Reese: "Republicans in the US House of Representatives followed suit with the Senate, voting to strip guidelines issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to protect consumer internet history." "The ruling effectively blocks Obama- era regulations established in October 2. December 2. 01. 7—that were designed to protect consumers' personal information online from being sold to businesses and marketers," continues Reese. The regulations forced internet service providers (ISPs) like AT& T, Verizon, and T- Mobile to ask for permission from customers before they could share their personal internet history with third- party advertisers."SEE: Online security 1.
Tips for protecting your privacy from hackers and spies (Tech. Republic) Individuals and organizations taking a wait and see attitude about online privacy are now forced to look elsewhere for protection. One possible solution is Tor—The Onion Router—technology that anonymizes user- identifying information by routing digital traffic through a series of relay servers before releasing the traffic to the public internet (Figure A). Figure A. Image: Electronic Freedom Foundation and Tor Project. Tor is currently the most popular method for anonymizing online communications—it serves millions of users, and carries terabytes of traffic every day.
Despite its proven effectiveness, a group of researchers from Princeton is urging caution because Tor has a weakness. Tor is vulnerable to traffic- correlation attacks," write Princeton University researchers Yixin Sun, Anne Edmundson, Nick Feamster, Mung Chiang, and Prateek Mittal in their paper Counter- RAPTOR: Safeguarding Tor Against Active Routing Attacks. An adversary [or Autonomous System (AS)] who can observe the traffic at both ends of the communications path—between the Tor client and the entry guard relay, and between the exit relay and the destination server—can perform traffic analysis on packet size and timing to deanonymize Tor users." The authors are particularly concerned about RAPTOR (Routing Attacks on Privacy in TOR) attacks, where quirks in BGP routing allow attackers to increase the number of AS- level adversaries observing traffic entering and exiting the Tor network. As the internet gets bigger and more dynamic, more organizations have the ability to observe users' traffic," says research team member Yixin Sun in Josephine Wolff's Princeton University press release. We want to understand possible ways these organizations could identify users and provide Tor with the means to defend itself against these attacks and help preserve online privacy."SEE: Cyber Security Volume III: Anonymous Browsing (Tech. Republic Academy) Organizations are able to identify users, because traffic from each user is distinctive in terms of data packet size and packet sequence.
If an ISP sees similar- looking traffic streams enter the Tor network and leave the Tor network after being routed through relay servers, the provider may be able to piece together the user's identity," mentions Wolff. And ISPs are often able to manipulate how traffic on the internet is routed, so they can observe particular streams of traffic, making Tor vulnerable to this kind of attack."The guard relay selection algorithm To devise a solution, the Princeton research team began by measuring how susceptible ISPs were to RAPTOR and prefix- hijack attacks (corrupt IP addresses). After reviewing their data, the researchers felt it necessary to change how Tor entry guard relays are chosen. Rather than randomly select relays (some attention was paid to server loading), the Princeton team decided their guard relay selection algorithm would make routing choices based on the following: Mitigate RAPTOR and prefix- hijack attacks on Tor: Compute AS resistance against RAPTOR and prefix- hijack attacks on all Tor guard relays from the client source AS, and select the ones having more resilience, minimizing the likelihood of an attack on the guard relay being accessed by the Tor user.
Protect the anonymity of Tor clients: Protect the anonymity of Tor users by balancing preferences among relays and providing anonymity boundaries. Performance and load balancing: Take into consideration the amount of available bandwidth into the selection decision to avoid traffic congestion on low bandwidth relays. Proactive and reactive countermeasures The Princeton University researchers have both proactive and reactive defenses. The team's Tor guard relay selection algorithm proactively mitigates RAPTOR and prefix- hijack attacks.
The researchers also built a network- monitoring system (reactive) to check network traffic to uncover manipulation that could indicate attacks on Tor," writes Wolff in the press release. When they simulated such attacks themselves, the researchers found that their system was able to identify the attacks and have low false positive rates." Wolff concludes the press release with Professor Mittal's recommendation: "Tor is among the best tools for anonymous communications. Making Tor more robust, directly serves to strengthen individual liberty and freedom of expression in online communications."Also see.